Organic farming need of an hour then god will be the saviour.

We as human being always try to prove our self superior to nature in regards of living the life but the fact to mention that future will have adverse effect on globe.

Profoundly I want to mention a quote of famous author kalidara listen to the exhortation of the down, to this day for it is life the life of life in its brief curses lie all the varieties and realises of your.                  

Time is an invaluable asset that demands our utmost respect. It has the power to shape every aspect of our lives, and we must acknowledge its significance by planning for the future and taking action in the present. By doing so, we can ensure that our future is aligned with our goals and aspirations.

Since the green revolution movement, both India and the entire world have experienced significant changes in the environment, particularly in the field of farming. The introduction of chemical fertilizers has led to a drastic shift in farming practices, with farmers using excessive amounts of these fertilizers to maximize crop production. However, this approach has proven to be harmful in the long run.

Farmers are unknowingly turning their once fertile lands into a living nightmare, as the excessive use of chemical fertilizers is slowly degrading the quality of the soil. This will undoubtedly have adverse effects in the near future. Gone are the days when farmers used a handful of fertilizer on their land. Nowadays, they openly add ample amounts of these chemicals to their already fertile fields, unknowingly jeopardizing the very conditions that make the land productive for crop growth. As a result, the excessive use of chemical fertilizers not only affects the land, but also contaminates rivers and ponds. The water, which is essential for both farming and human consumption, becomes polluted and unsafe. Furthermore, the industrial sector also contributes to this environmental crisis. The release of hazardous waste water by industrialists has a detrimental effect on rivers, further increasing water pollution. Additionally, this pollution extends to the air, posing a threat to human health. The increased levels of air pollution can have severe consequences on our well-being.

It is crucial for us to recognize the adverse effects of these farming practices and take immediate action to rectify the situation. Sustainable farming methods and the use of organic fertilizers can help restore the health of our lands and protect our precious water resources. By doing so, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for both ourselves and the environment.

According current population we will not find any single home in whole world which is not been diagnosed with disease such as blood pressure diabetes, arthritis, heart, anxiety, depression, high Bp which are commonly found in young people with consuming cereals, milk, fruits and vegetables grown with the help of fertilizer as they decrease the nutrients of food which is not suitable to the body

On the other hand the worse thing is decreasing of honey bee venom and melitin which suprasses the increasing factor of cancer.

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