Basic information on Long Pepper Piper

Its a vine plant called long pepper piper and it takes 3 to 4 years to grow. The leaves of this plant is in shivlinga shape with heart live structure in between it is a juicy leaves after the duration of six months fruits start to grow and best duration is august month which it grows in large numbers.

In initial stage colour of this fruit which is called as long pepper is green and after maturing it becomes black.  shape is 1.5 to 3 cm in length and 5 to 7 cm in thickness. Male and female stem plants there are different and it is origin is Malaysia and Indonesia but it can be found in India ,Srilanka,Nepal forest or jungle areas.

In India Assam, Kerala , Tamilnadu , Karnataka, Orrisa, Westbangal and Andhra Pradesh ehich have good amounts of fruits.

Long pepper piper its trunk and roots are used in medicinal industry. It is used in laxative process and to satisfy hunger.It is been used in treatment of authinits.

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