Unveiling the Secrets of Milky Mushroom

Milky Mushroom is one of the first indigenous mushroom to be used in a commercliaze business segment it is also known as calocybe indica . it is commonly grown in India and also known as dudhi chatta in west Bengal . Its fruit bodies are very attractive with fleshy, thicky , white cap and a thick stalk which are edible it is collected and consumed from the forest of west Bengal as it a tropical species.

It is mushroom ferment can be used as an excellent organic or for vermin composting and is a good edible mushroom with high fiber. Milky mushroom has a better life shell compared to button mushroom and oyster mushroom as it doesn’t turn into browning.

It requires 30-35 degree celsuis for growth and fruetification and it is highly suitable for tropical climate.

Impressive milky white colour.

A very easy method to cultivate with biological efficiency compare to oyster mushroom shelf life is 2-3 days at 25-30 c and 10-15 days at 4c.

It can be sold as fresh dry or mushroom powder.

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