Significance of Ecosystem in world to know

The ecosystem is made of all living organism on the earth and it is interdependent on each other. Basically it is cycle of the atmosphere in which living creature survive and flourish with good atmosphere.

Two constituent play major role in ecosystem which is constituent and abiotic.

In abiotic constituent minerals, climate, soil , water , sunlight and all other non living creature.

In biotic constituent of all living creature and the bridge between this ecosystem the process of energy through the ecosystem and its ever going cycle which posses of nutrients within the ecosystem plans a vital role in maintain the balance of ecosystem.

The basic source of energy in all ecosystem is radiant energy from the sun and its energy is used by ecosystem autotropic or self sustaining organism.

Sunlight can be used to convert carbon dioxide and water into simple energy rich carbohydrate the cycle goes on and the autotropic use he energy that is retoxide in carbohydrate to produce more complex organic compounds protein and lipces to maintain and nurtue the organism life process plays the produces level in whole ecosystem chain the autotropes which directly or indirectly nurish heterotrophic organism by organic matter.

All the animal are heterotrophs who cannot make their own forest which they use rearrange and decompose the complex organic materials built by the autotroph the autotrophs and heterotrophs plays major role in ecosystem they have their own levels to produce and mainly known as trophic feeding levels in ecosystem the producer level which is made up of autotrophs and the primary is consumer level which is compile with organism that feed on primary consumer. The nutrients plays a vital role in ecosystem basically they are chemical elements and compound organism must obtain from their surrounding for growth and sustainability of life . The cells of autotrophs and heterotrophs are made up of major elements are hydrogen, phosphors and from the care protoplasm which is semi fund substance that form cell cytoplasm and need of organism we should preserve all ecosystem if we not than it may lead to extinction of the species or may be human being.

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