Green revolution after World War

The most tragic incident in World War 2 caused lot of destruction then world war 1 which make whole world suffer economically and socially with major impact on agriculture industry which is pillar of whole world to survive.

After the second world war over there was tremendous shortfall of agriculture products with the green revolution movement take place to increase the capacity of agriculture goods. According in 1960 noble prize winner Dr Norman  Borlaug has achieved success in developing various agriculture crop with more immune power system such as wheat crop it was implanted in Mexico with great success till date.

In India 1960 green revolution step in India with Dr. Norman Borlog aligning with Dr. Swaminathan as they work shoulder to shoulder to make green revolution a great success in India.

The global food demand has experienced a significant increase, leading to a pressing need for enhanced food production. To meet this demand, innovative and new technologies were introduced to develop high-yielding crop varieties and modernize management techniques. Additionally, hybrid seeds and pesticides were made readily available to farmers. These advancements, coupled with the implementation of new irrigation techniques, have propelled India to achieve remarkable success in agriculture. The surplus production has not only met the country’s requirements but has also played a crucial role in educating and training farmers on the adoption of new technologies, such as improved breeding methods, effective pesticide usage, and water conservation practices. However, it is disheartening to note that the number of rice breeds has significantly decreased over the years, with only a handful remaining today.

In India, Chhattisgarh have lot of indigenous breeds of rice with availability of rare sapling which can say it is a immune booster to health with special elements to stay strong in less or heavy rainfall. In some states like Maharashtra, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana  they have the Indigenous bread which is been store for the decades. One such example in  Maharashtra district in Ahmednagar  the village name Kombhalne one old age woman who has been felicitated with Padmashree award for his work in conversation of indigenous plant also she is been called as seed mother.

photo credit: Green revolution

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