Starting and Succeeding in the Maize Business

1 Maize processing business can be done in various methods. It is been useful for animal food mainly in poultry business.

2 In maize there are 75% starch, 8 to 10% protein and 4 to 5% aliphatic protein. We can get healthy oil from maize and it can be used for medical purposes.

3 In dry maize processing you can have added value by products like corn upma, corn rawa and oil.

4 In wet maize processing you can add starch, sugar and for oil you can mix sulphride oxide in water and kept maize in that mixture for 30 to 35 hrs and it can be made in form of starch powder or oil cake also which is been used in the process of cloth, medicinal or for baking products.

5 Maize powders is very resourceful for teenager or baby corn to build their health.

6 It is been widely used for soup sauce process.

7 If you or looking to start venture in this maize processing business it has wide growth in this field with all machinery and land, marketing distribution you can get the in depth knowledge form training institutes in India.

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