Transfroming Passion into Entrepreneurship: Abhijit Shinde of Import Export Federation

                                                       IMPORT EXPORT FEDERATION

One mission to guide India’s young talent on global trade (Export Import).

Tapping into India’sgrowing market of Export Import trade a social entrepreneur turned into guide for all youth who dream to venture out their own.

Abhijit Shinde a visionary hailing from farming background completed his MBA and worked in software industry for twelve years and five years in abroad as IT management consultant.

But with well settled job he was feeling discontent and wanted to return in India to start his own venture.

Due to his social and political background, he moved from a well-established life to one of ownership and management of a horse-bred stud farm and hotel. He gave freely of his time to work toward the upliftment of the rural community in his hometown of Parner, raising awareness of and carrying out government-funded initiatives to improve their access to high-quality education, raise their standard of living through innovation, and advance value-added farming.

He also looked upon his family restaurant Panchsheel park which is built on Nagar Pune highway which signifies the majestic hotel can be built in rural place also.

In 2018, he launched his own export business and began trading with countries all over the world. He had similar views about agriculture when he started this business because, while performing social work in the village, he witnessed many farmers facing difficulties when they sold their goods at market for a random price and did not receive the proper documentation, leaving them to bear the burden of losses and debt. He said that sadly, most farmers are unaware of government programs and subsidies.

Farmers suffered from unjust middlemen who failed to provide them with adequate compensation, rendering them powerless. When he first started his export business, he knew nothing and only a few books, but he was determined to start, so he began researching export and import trade online and sought advice from experts. Eventually, he managed to successfully complete his first export transaction, which was a horse breed to Sri Lanka. This proved that you could export not just agricultural commodities but also a wide range of in-demand products.

His trade expanded to several countries, and he had hundreds of products on his export list. He suggests that young people look into the global commerce circuit since it provides a wealth of opportunities and information for showcasing your abilities on a worldwide scale. Because of this, India has a large number of finished goods produced at different sections, so we need to tap into this market and investigate the product with a suitable export channel. He believes that the domestic market is limited, so in order to close the employment gap, we need to think globally and investigate the opportunity.

However Abhijit Shinde feels that if he can start this export related trade venture then why not the farmers can start this trade as it will help the farmers make good profits against their produce and in turn they no need to depend upon agriculture market rate.

The benefits of Import Export Trade.

  • Global opportunities to explore the produced good
  • Big market for your product with high value
  • More customers and  businesses

He feeds that today’s youth are more attracted to engineers, doctor profession and also they are not aware of global opportunities in Export and Import so he started the Export Import federation to provide basic to advance Training related to this field.

Especially, he educate the farmers that create value added products and get acquire the knowledge of market condition fluctuation time and he confidently tells that  there is no need of protest movement for increase base price for crop if global market is open for us.

We wish Abhijit Shinde for his immense work in Export Import field and accolades his work towards creating Self-employment within farmers and explore them on global map.

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